
Advice and support in the event of a crisis

CKK Con­sult ad­vises and sup­ports you

  • in pre­par­ing to handle crit­ic­al situ­ations in the com­pany's de­vel­op­ment.
  • in the course of a threat­en­ing or acute crisis.
  • fol­low­ing the crisis in back to nor­mal op­er­a­tions.


Expertise for practice-oriented crisis management

With the ex­pert­ise we have gathered over many years, with focal points in the chem­ic­als and pet­ro­leum in­dus­tries, in en­ergy util­it­ies, re­gion­al busi­ness en­ter­prises and in ship­ping, we sup­port com­pany boards, ex­ec­ut­ive dir­ect­ors and em­ploy­ees to op­tim­ize their per­form­ance dur­ing times of crisis and of changes in the com­pany and in the mar­ket.

We de­vel­op and op­tim­ize your emer­gency, crisis, busi­ness con­tinu­ity and change man­age­ment. In the im­ple­ment­a­tion of the man­age­ment sys­tems, we sup­port you through meas­ures of in­tern­al com­mu­nic­a­tion, in­struc­tion, train­ing courses and ex­er­cises.

In the event of an in­cid­ent, you will re­ceive ad­vice and op­er­a­tion­al sup­port from us - es­pe­cially in the plan­ning and im­ple­ment­a­tion of press and pub­lic re­la­tions.