
Training and Seminars

In times of crisis dir­ec­tion­al lead­er­ship ac­tion is re­quired.

Em­ploy­ees are often very in­sec­ure and de­mand clear de­cisions and pre­cise as­sign­ments. The lead­er must stand with cour­age and de­term­in­a­tion in front of her team. It re­quires lead­er­ship from the be­gin­ning, an ex­em­plary model and the abil­ity to make ef­fect­ive de­cisions to solve the situ­ation.

One focus of CKK Con­sult's port­fo­lio is on in­tens­ive train­ing and prac­tice-ori­ented sem­inars for board mem­bers, man­aging dir­ect­ors, heads of emer­gency and crisis bars and press spokes­per­sons.

Practical exercises